On the day of your visit, please bring with you the following:

-Copy of last year's tax return

-The following for each family member:
1. Name
2. Date of birth
3. Social security card or ITIN
4. Valid driver's license or I.D.

-All income information such as:
1. W-2'S
2. 1099-INT (Interest earned)
3. 1099-DIV (Dividend slips)
4.1099-B (Stock Sales)
5. Self-employment Income and Expenses
6. Rental Income and Expenses
7. W-2G (Gambling or Lottery Winnings)
8. 1099-G (State income tax refund)
9. 1099-R (Pension income)
10. Estimated taxes paid
11. SSA-1099 (Social Security
12. RRB-1099 (Railroad retirement)
13. 1099-R (IRA or 401K distribution
14. 1099-G (Unemployment compensation)
15. 1099-MISC (Miscellaneous income)
16. Sale of Personal Residence
17. Sales of any business assets

- A list of any of the following which may be used as a deduction:
1. Medical Expenses
2. Real estate or personal property taxes
3. Mortgage Interest (Form 1098)
4. Charitable contributions
5. Gambling losses
6. Moving expenses
7. Employee business expenses
8. Traditional IRA contributions
9. Higher education expenses
10. Educator / teacher expenses
11. Student loan interest (Form 1098-E)
12. Adoption expenses
13. Retirement savings contributions
14. Babysitting or child care expenses

- Please bring child care provider's address and EIN or Social security number.


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